Environmental, Social & Governance

WHY Esg is important

While historically the main objective of companies was to produce positive financial returns for their shareholders, the inclusion of ESG strives to provide positive outcomes for the non-financial factors that aren’t always as easy to measure such as the effect companies have on the environment and society.  Increasingly, companies are balancing the two, and finding that they can achieve both. NAOS in this regard, seeks to influence the companies it invests in, generating benefits for all stakeholders.

ESG and our Investment ProcessENGAGEMENT AND ADVOCACYCompanies Making a DifferenceNAOS Giving Back

ESG and Our Investment Process

At NAOS, as an investment manager, we recognise and accept our duty to act responsibly and in the best interests of all stakeholders. We believe that a high standard of business conduct and a responsible approach to environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors are associated with a sustainable business model over the longer term, which also benefits the broader economy.

We recognise the material impacts that ESG factors can have on investment returns and risk, and also the wider implications for achieving a positive social return.


The incorporation of ESG considerations into the investment process applies across all NAOS investments. NAOS aims to have a thorough understanding of the companies it invests in. Once invested, NAOS regularly reviews and monitors the ESG performance of its investee companies through questionnaires. The results provide valuable information and allow us to assess ESG opportunities and risks, and to assist and support our investee companies in attaining their ESG goals.

The Questionnaire Process

ESG issues are discussed at regular meetings with company management to raise awareness and foster further engagement and in turn, influence and aid in improvement. Click the link below for examples of our Investee Companies and their ESG journeys.

View examples of our Investee Companies and their ESG journeys

Proxy Voting

NAOS aims to vote on all resolutions of our investee companies, in line with our policies and processes to promote positive change if required.

Board representation

NAOS has representation on a number of the Boards of our investee companies to provide independence and value.

Companies Making a Difference

Many of our investee companies demonstrate a strong commitment to responsible business practices, NAOS are proud to share examples of these:

NAOS Giving Back

As a company we commit to pledge 1% of revenue, time and intellect to movements and missions that matter.

Each year NAOS Asset Management (the management company) donates 1% of its annual revenue to the charity partners listed to the side. Each charity supports a cause that we strongly believe in.

Our people have an incredible range of skills that can be a huge help to charities and community organisations. Each year, team members have the opportunity to take 2 days paid volunteer leave to lend a helping hand to an organisation of their choice.

NAOS sees the value in supporting young members of the investment community. We provide training and mentorship for one student each year.

NAOS is proud to be supporting: