Podcast & Book Reviews

January 19, 2020

Podcast Review | Interview with Jim Hackett, CEO & President of Ford Motor Company

By Rob Miller | Portfolio Manager at NAOS Asset Management

Podcast by Talks at GS Podcast

An interview with the new Ford Motor Company CEO, an industry outsider corporate executive that is not a ‘car guy’. Jim talks about lessons he would teach himself as a younger man, principally around leadership. “Leadership is having a point of view”.

Jim talks through his idea of the future of the automotive industry, including partnerships between global car markets, and that autonomous vehicles will not take over the world because of the fundamental reason that a lot of people enjoy driving. Furthermore Jim discusses the role of electric vehicles and how this will pan out for future generations, in which he believes it is not a ‘one size fits all’ movement.

An insightful man leading a company through a major industry transformation. Jim didn’t want the top job of Ford Motor Company CEO but for that reason he was arguably the right candidate for the job.

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